Recipe | Goat Milk Drops

Recipe | Goat Milk Drops

Hello & welcome back to our Llama family <3

If you are new here, then you are in for a treat.

Instagram is filled with beautiful dog food bowls, slow feeder ideas and enrichment inspo, so at times you might catch yourself thinking "how would I even make that??"
Enter, Pistachio Llama X Pantry Basics:

The key to creating Insta-worthy meals for your dog is colour, and variety. And of course you want all ingredients to be healthy, delicious and human grade. Because we wouldn't feed our dog anything we couldn't consume! 

TIP: this is a great way to save time and money! By buying and cooking most of the same food for both you and your dog you will save money at the cash register and save time meal prepping for the both of you!

Queue recipe for Goat Milk drops.

Why goat milk?

  • Goat milk is an excellent source of protein,
  • Contains lower levels of lactose than found in cow milk, therefore it's gentler on sensitive tummies, 
  • Goat milk is a great source of hydration,
  • Is filled with beneficial healthy fats,
  • Great addition for both bone health and a healthy coat

*Pistachio Llama X Pantry Basics starter pack*

What you need (aka ingredients/tools):

  • Cute mold of your choice
  • Goats milk powder 
  • Tea flowers - Pantry Basics has an amazing range of natural/organic herbal and flower teas, we opted for a combination of Blue Cornflower and Hibiscus
  • Measuring cup
  • Drip
  • Small cups (depending on the variety of colour - we have used 3, as pictured above)
  • Natural food colouring 
  • Filtered water


Step 1: Make up your goat milk in a measuring cup.
Depending on your mold, you might need a little less, or a little more, but we used roughly 3 heaped tablespoons for 1 cup filtered water.

Step 2: Separate your goat milk liquid into separate cups, and add the natural food colouring. 
We wanted ours to be pastel colours - pink, green, and blue.
So we used 2 drops of red, 2 drops of green, and 2 drops of blue (depending on the intensity/desired outcome of the colours you use, you might need less or more).

Step 3: Prep your mold.
Add the desired flowers/herbs into each mold.
We added the Blue Cornflower and Hibiscus interchangeably.
Tip: for extra nourishment add a little piece of jerky! 

Step 4: Using your drip, add the desired colour into each mold casing.
WARNING this step can be very messy. Make sure you are doing this over a non-porous surface or are using a cover to protect your surface from staining! + to avoid colour transfer, rinse your drip prior to using another colour.

Step 5: Freeze for about 2 hours

Step 6: Remove from the casing and add to your dogs food as a decorative/nutritious food topper or use as a treat on a hot summers day <3


Goat Milk is a fantastic addition to your dog's diet (as well as your own)!
If your doggo's tummy doesn't agree with cows milk then goats milk might be a great alternative.

At Pistachio Llama we believe that dogs shouldn't be subject to consuming inferior, bar-grade products, therefore all ingredients used in making our Goat Milk drops were human-grade and safe for human consumption #winwin 

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