Return Policy

Pistachio Llama Return Policy

At Pistachio Llama, we are committed to ensuring customer satisfaction. Please review our return policy below:

  1. Return Window: Orders may be returned within 2 weeks of purchase.
  2. Health & Safety: For hygiene reasons, any opened "treat" packages cannot be returned.
  3. Change of Mind: We do not accept returns due to a change of mind.
  4. Garment Sizing: While we aim to send the correct sizes, it's the buyer's responsibility to select the appropriate size. As our garments are hand-made and made to order, returns or refunds for incorrect sizing will not be accepted.
  5. Hand-Made Products: Each product is unique, and variations are part of its charm.
  6. Manufacturing Faults: We will assess returns/refunds due to manufacturing faults on a case-by-case basis.
  7. Return Costs: Customers are responsible for any return shipping costs, which will not be covered by Pistachio Llama.

If you have any concerns or issues with your order, please contact us via email:, and we'll do our best to help!