Shipping Policy

Shipping Policy

At Pistachio Llama, we aim to ship all single-protein treats within 24-48 hours of your order. Please note that if your order includes pre-order items, your shipment will be processed once those items are in stock.

All cookies and garments are handmade in Melbourne, Australia. Estimated shipping times are provided on product pages but may vary based on demand. While we take great care in packaging, once your items leave our hands, we cannot control the handling by third-party couriers.

In the rare event that items are damaged during transit, we will assess these situations on a case-by-case basis. If any items are missing due to a mistake on our end, please contact us via email, and we will promptly send the correct items at no extra cost.

Shipping times may vary depending on your location. Please refer to the tracking number sent to you via email or SMS for real-time updates.

For more details, please check individual product pages or reach out to us directly on our email!
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