Honey Pot Pup Cup

Recipe | Pup Cup Enrichment

Have you heard of the golden rule of #3?

If not, let us enlighten you. 
They say all good things come in 3's. A new habit is learned upon performing the task 3 times, a bad habit is unlearned upon not-performing it 3 times, cravings for an unhealthy snack largely subside after 3 days of non-consumption... which brings us to the point we are about to make.

Welcome to our 3rd blog post!
If this is indeed the third week you've accompanied us in reading our new article, then Pistachio Llama wants to congratulate you🎉🎉🎉
You have just developed a wholesome, healthy habit :) 

If however, this is your first time here, then we are so glad you've joined us!
Should you wish to catch up on our previous Recipe Blogs then click here News – Pistachio Llama

Regardless, we hope you enjoy this new addition to our paw-some line up & it inspires you to create something wonderful, tasty, healthy, yet budget friendly for your furry pal.

The key to a healthy and balanced diet is in part: 1) a variety of fresh condiments. That means unprocessed stuff and as much raw, home-cooked food.
2) colour. The colour on a plate of food is a dead giveaway of weather your pooch is eating a balanced diet.

Tip: to save money at the cash register, try cooking foods that both you and your fur baby can eat. It's a great way to save money but also make sure that both you and your bestie are eating well.
Just another way Pistachio Llama X Pantry Basics is helping you save money & eat as naturally as possible is by sourcing quality ingredients from local farmers, such as our Goats Milk [Full Cream] – Pistachio Llama 

Queue Pup Cup Recipe:

You might have seen these popping up on your Instagram, TikTok, or Pinterest feed, and there's a good reason why more and more people are using these as a substitute to the boring old dog bowl.

Not only are pup cups super cute, but they also provide valuable enrichment for your pup. 
By "enrichment" we mean the stimulating, brain receptive kind.
You see back before dogs were a domesticated animal, they lived out in the wild, had to hunt for their meal and eat it without any assistance of a human being. Which means they had to 'work' for their food a lot of the time.

By serving your dog's meal in a pup cup you are not only creating something cute yet delicious, but you are also serving them a cup of positive mental health.

When a dog keeps having to lick and chew and 'work' to get to their food, this kicks in the imbedded primal instincts. 
By licking they stimulate new saliva which in turn aids in good gut health and a healthy metabolism. 
And by having to reach, lick, hold their food in a certain position, and really having to try to get into the nooks and crevices stimulates the production of oxytocin in a dog's brain. 
Oxytocin is the happiness hormone.

Tip: A good way to tell that your dog is enjoying their pup-cup is to watch for the tail wag. We LIVE for this part of meal time <3 

*Pictured: Pistachio Llama (Soda Pup Pup Cup), NZ Green Lipped Mussels, Kangaroo Ear, & Chicken Jerky*

What you need aka ingredients/tools:

  • Cute pup cup of your choice
  • 1 kangaroo ear, with fur on (the fur helps cleanse a dog's digestive track & de-worm)
  • 2 NZ Green Lipped Mussels
  • Chicken jerky
  • Egg
  • Plain full cream Greek Yoghurt (could be substituted for goats milk)
  • Broccolini
  • Mango
  • Banana


Step 1: Rehydrate your chicken jerky overnight in a little bit of water (just covering the surface).

Step 2: Chop up the broccolini stem (leaving the floret for decoration), 1/2 banana, 1/2 mango & add to the blender.

Step 3: Throw in your remaining ingredients being chicken jerky, egg, yoghurt.

Step 4: Blend it all together until you reach somewhat of a smooth consistency. Lumps and bumps are ok and will in fact add more texture to your pups meal. As long as the ingredients are mixed in together you'll be fine.

Step 5: Pour the liquid into your pup cup. You don't want it overflowing, just under the brim is perfect.

Step 6: Add your final touches! Stick in the kangaroo ear, broccolini floret & the two Mussels

 Step 7: Viola! You're done!

Now all that's left to do is serve this pup cup up to your pup & watch the tail wagging begin!



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