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Pistachio Llama

Ruler Measure | FREE PDF Download

Ruler Measure | FREE PDF Download

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This ruler measure was made by Pistachio Llama to make your life, as a pet parent easier. With our latest release of doggie accessories such as our bandanas and bow ties, we want to celebrate the occasion and give back to our loyal fans.
Since not everyone owns a dress makers measuring tape (why would you??), use this ruler measure to measure your pup's or cat's neck before purchasing.

How to:
Simply print off this PDF, which is sent directly to your inbox within 24 hours of purchase. Then cut out and stick together the required measure with your preferred choice of glue or sticky tape. Now you're ready to measure - it's that simple!
Tip: Make sure you print the PDF at 100% scale. The Pistachio Llama watermark will be removed from the PDF sent to you.

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